Private Practice
Your Experience working with me.
While my Stress Coach framework has been developed and refined by working with some of the top performing professionals across a range of industries for over a decade, what matters to me most is how this roadmap works for you.
I believe in taking a flexible approach and tweaking this framework for your individual circumstances and stress responses. This means we will use a range of personalised techniques to work towards achieving your goal and reducing your stress.
Here’s what you can expect when you work with me 1:1:
Pre-intake assessment
After establishing ‘goodness of fit’ l will conduct an extensive pre-intake with you to identify current issues, drivers of stress and your goals for sessions.
Next, I’ll undertake an effective assessment to identify key issues, use ‘stress profiling’ and apply psychometrics to get clearer on exactly how you’re travelling.
We will then agree on personalised coaching/treatment options utilising:
option analysis, consensus and psycho-education
behavioural, cognitive and emotional strategies
problem solving and pro-active life strategies
both ancient and state of the art psycho technologies.
After increasing your understanding of the current issues and progressing against results, we’ll identify the best options to go forward to ensure that the changes you’ve made actually stick.
Final sessions will focus of de- briefing to measure your progress and results against the agreed goals.
The Stress Coach Services
I’ve worked with many executives, managers and staff members as a treating psychologist, consultant and colleague. Whether you’re a line manager, a CEO, or even a Board member, when you ‘fall from grace’, ‘hit the wall’, ‘stray from the herd’ or even become the target of someone’s malicious intent, it can get really rough. Surviving such dysfunctional experiences can require that you develop specific, specialised skills and situational awareness very quickly - and at a time when you may feel that you’ve got the least capacity to do so.
If this is your circumstance, I’ll bring to bear my Organisational Survival protocol, a specially designed framework to help you cope and even thrive despite adversity. I have created protocols specifically for Executive Survival, Manager Survival and Employee Survival, each of which recognises the all too common experience of people within organisations facing extreme experiences.
There’s an interesting phenomenon emerging that is helping us to reconnect to some ancient practices in a modern context. While stress levels, anxiety and depression are all on the rise in society, Forest Therapy, also known as Shrinrin-Yoku, refers to the practice of spending time in forested areas (or in the city context- parks) for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness and happiness. This practice is strongly supported by science and has measurable positive health and psychological outcomes.
According to the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, there are an infinite number of healing activities that can be incorporated into a walk in a forest, park or any other natural area. They suggest that an activity is likely to be healing when it makes room for listening, for quiet and accepting presence, and for inquiry through all eight of the sensory modes we possess.
I’m lucky enough to have several wonderful places right by my office that I visit regularly. So, why not give it a go!
I employ state of the art technology to further the effectiveness of the therapeutic work we do together. These include: EEG technology, Heart Rate Variability Technology (HRV-T) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Stress Reduction (MBCT-SR). Each of these approaches and technologies vary in their intent and affect. They range from improved focus, affect regulation, clarity of thinking, emotional and psychological stabilisation right through to a significant reduction in stress levels and a deep soothing of your mind.
Hypnotherapy is a useful tool that I employ in conjunction with other therapeutic methods to induce a trance-like state of focus and concentration. While in this state, I assist clients to turn their attention completely inward to find and utilise their natural resources to consider different approaches to issues, to new information, ways of reducing their anxiety in specific and general settings, and to reduce depression and distress.
Since hypnotherapy is an adjunct form of therapy, there are many applications such as treating anxiety, phobias, reducing undesirable spontaneous behaviour and increasing control. It can be used to help improve sleep, communication and relationship issues. Hypnotherapy can also aid in pain management. I also employ guided visualisation strategies which are basically similar techniques to hypnotherapy but without the specific ‘suggestions’.
It can be hard to know what to expect when engaging a psychologist, especially if it is your first time. Browse my most frequently FAQs here, or feel free to reach out for further information.
My clients come from a wide range of backgrounds- in fact, every type of background you can imagine. Professionals, managers, teachers and principals, mums, dads, students- anyone who is facing what seem like insurmountable challenges. At the heart of it we’re all human and sometimes we need support and strategies to cope.
That’s what I’ll help you do.
I primarily work in the space of stress, understanding that stress can be caused by a broad range of circumstances and presents for people in different ways. My focus is on educating my clients to understand why their body and mind are reacting the way they are, and then put in place effective techniques to manage this stress response. My goal is to not only assist you in managing your current circumstance, but to build a toolkit of techniques that you can take forward into future experiences.
Through over twenty years of experience working with a broad range of clients dealing with stress, I’ve developed a structured yet flexible protocol which covers education, therapy and practical management techniques. Over my years in private practice, I’ve seen it work again and again for my clients.
Having said that, what matters most to me is supporting you in your unique circumstances. As such, I’m happy to take a flexible approach and adjust the framework to meet your needs.
The complexity of the work we will do together will depend on the complexity of your circumstances, but the overall goal is the same - to reduce the intensity and frequency of your suffering through the application of evidence based strategies, techniques and technologies.
My private practice is located at a number of locations around the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. You can find my exact locations below.
However, I also offer virtual Telehealth and coaching appointments to support clients across Australia and overseas. Many of my clients have found this to be a fantastic, flexible approach to accessing support from locations that work best for them.
You can also access The Stress Coach knowledge and expertise through my self-paced online courses.
I do offer a Medicare Rebate for my one-to-one in-person and Telehealth sessions, in line with government regulations. Please click here for further information.
I have extensive experience working with TAC, Work Cover and NDIS clients. There is, however, an out of pocket expense. Please reach out here for more information.
Get in contact today to discover how I can help you perform under pressure, manage your stress responses and use practical techniques to work towards real change.
Phone 0430 782 742 or reach out here.
Due to the current COVID-19 health situation, I am currently primarily working via Telehealth for the comfort and safety of my clients. This will continue until the current health crisis resolves.
Via Coviu Telehealth link
Croydon Integrated Health Clinic
147 Mount Dandenong Road
Croydon 3136
Thursdays and Fridays
a note on confidentiality
As your one-on-one stress coach, my goal is to provide you with tailored and effective techniques for dealing with and managing your stress. This often leads to conversations in which complex and often private personal and professional concerns are raised.
A critical part of this process involves trust - a trust that your confidentiality will be maintained to the highest standards.
As a registered psychologist, I will maintain the highest levels of professional confidentiality in accordance with the the guidelines of AHPRA, the APB, APS and AAPi.
So be assured, your professional and private disclosures will be protected in accordance with my rigorous personal and professional standards - freeing you to engage fully and work on your stress to bring about the changes your desire.